The Moro Foundation is committed to the development of the IB program in Slovenia. This community currently represents over 300 students from 40 nations. Your donations will enrich the educational experience of children coming from donor countries.


“Odpri oči nastežaj, razširi pogled in misel na vse plati, čez vse gore!”
Ivan Cankar

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Ivan Cankar, the Slovenian writer, poet and dramatist, we would like to encourage students at Danila Kumar to take part in the Moro Foundation contest.


WHAT YOU NEED TO DO? You can take part in the contest by creating your own creative product.

1M and 2M – Bookmarks with images or quotes from Ivan Cankar and his work

3M and 4M – A ‘wanted poster’ for Ivan Cankar (include information about his appearance, his life and work, A3 paper, your own drawing)

5M and 6M – An interview or a social media chat with Ivan Cankar (min. 400 words)

7M and 8M – A newspaper article or a story in connection with Ivan Cankar (min. 600 words)

Criteria to be assessed against:

  • CREATIVITY (the design, the graphic appeal of the products)
  • CONTENT (the quality of ideas and reflection)
  • LANGUAGE (clear and grammatically correct language)

The final deadline for the submission of the products is on December 12th, 2018. The announcement of the contestants and the awards will be given on the last school day of this year, December 21st, 2018.

The Moro Foundation has prepared some really nice awards!